Daily Devotions

Daily Devotions

Know that the Lord is God. It is he that made us, and we are his; we are his people, and the sheep of his pasture.” vs. 3

Psalm 100:1-3

The psalmist was full of joy at being alive, and he regularly joined his faith community in worship as they filled the air with songs of praise and thanksgiving. Everything he knew and loved had come from the Lord–even his own life had been a gift of God. Even now, some 2500 years later, his words resonate in the hearts of believers, and we too regularly join our congregations for worship and praise. At its best our worship is free and spontaneous and matches the exuberance of all creation, from the birds of the air to the lilies of the field. We see it in the fanciful flight of butterflies from flower to flower and hear it in the coyote choruses and cries of the loon. That worship impulse is woven into the fabric of the universe and is reflected in manifold ways wherever life endures. Our lives are not our own, and how good it is when we put aside our hubris and humble our hearts before the Lord. As our own pride erodes, we begin to see the beauty of the other and to put aside our thirst for dominance in favor of unselfish sacrifice and service. In such an atmosphere love will abound and we will know joy all the days of our lives.

Thought for the Day: What shape does my worship take?


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