For just as the body is one and has many members, and all the members of the body, though many, are one body, so it is with Christ.” vs. 12
1 Corinthians 12:11-13
It seems that Paul had no difficulty believing in the resurrection. All he had to do was consider that little congregation in Corinth that was so dear to him. In them he saw Christ, the same risen Lord Jesus Christ who had called him into ministry on the road to Damascus. And they had been gifted by the Holy Spirit for ministry just as he had, and all of them, though many, were now one body. They, together with all believers, were the living resurrected body of Christ in the world. And so it is with us! Now that’s easy to say. In fact we even have hymns that celebrate our unity in Christ–and we love to sing them. But oh what a hard time we have had in making it a reality! On every level, from small group to congregation to synod to denomination, we allowed our differences to dominate our life together. Again and again, we’ve argued, bickered, and separated on the basis of every conceivable notion of pride and superiority. And every time that happens, the precious body of Christ is wounded–but never beyond repair. The Holy Spirit is a resilient healer and uses us in spite of ourselves for the sake of the good. And what a blessing it is when we finally surrender to the Spirit’s leadership and begin to actually live as one body.
Thought for the Day: Where do I see unity in the Church?