Daily Devotions

Daily Devotions

Father of orphans and protector of widows is God in his holy habitation. God gives the desolate a home to live in; he leads out the prisoners to prosperity, but the rebellious live in a parched land.” vss. 5-6

Psalm 68:1-10

When they were at their best, Israel championed the cause of widows and orphans in their midst. And they didn’t forget that their ancestors had come as immigrants through the wilderness into a land filled with milk and honey. It’s easy to forget those origin stories, especially when we’re the ones who now live in prosperity and are trying desperately to defend our riches against the hordes of refugees now flooding our borders. But many of the faithful among us do remember, and are doing all that they can to be sure that these desolate folks are treated with dignity and as much hospitality as we can muster. It’s obviously not easy to know what to do, and we might wish that those who crowd our borders could be more patient. But they’re coming now and the resources of our social agencies are being depleted quickly. If ever there was a time for the Jesus people among us to show compassion, this is it. Organizations like Lutheran Social Services are gathering food and clothing, assisting with paperwork, providing housing–and the needs are beginning to accelerate. We know the heart of God, and as we pray “Your will be done,” there’s little doubt what we are called to do.

Thought for the Day: What can I do in this refugee crisis?


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