Daily Devotions

Daily Devotions

But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s own people, in order that you may proclaim the mighty acts of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light.” vs. 9

1 Peter 2:6-10

As the age of denominationalism slowly grinds to an end, it’s easy to become discouraged. It’s not easy to accept that what we found so helpful and precious means virtually nothing to our children and grandchildren. But the extinction of dinosaurs did not mean the end of life on earth, and so it is with the Church. We live in a beautiful but broken world, full of suffering and pain, and we are God’s own people sent to proclaim unconditional love and practice sacrificial service. We have no clear vision of what that will look like in the centuries to come, but we do know there will be faith communities who gather regularly for encouragement and worship. Some of us are quite comfortable where we are in this time of transition, and that’s okay. Our traditions have fed us well and will continue to do so until the end. But at the same time, it’s fun to stick our necks out for some glimpses of the future. God really is doing incredible things in some very surprising places. Folks who have lived in darkness for a really long time are actually beginning to emerge into the light. Maybe we can even learn to reach out of the box occasionally and lend a hand!

Thought for the Day: What excites me about the future Church?


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