He makes me lie down in green pastures; he leads me beside still waters; he restores my soul.” vss. 2-3a
Psalm 23:1-3
For some these words from Psalm 23 call to mind a tranquil day on the golf course, minus the traps and the out-of-bounds. For them, golf is exactly what the psalmist is describing–a restful day on beautifully contoured green fairways with calming water features always at hand. It’s a beautiful experience! Of course for most, these verses are a reminder of God’s never-failing care in a confused and frenzied world. They direct us to relax and to put our cares into the hands of the Good Shepherd, to maybe take a nap in the middle of the day and trust that God will provide restoration for our souls. Now it’s not easy to put all our burdens in the hands of the Lord–we try so hard to figure out how to fix ourselves and others, and sometimes wish that God would just tell us what to do. And then there are the times when our lives seem like a cattle stampede, one with wranglers waving their hats and dogs nipping at our heels. We find ourselves racing along without any idea of where we’re headed. What a blessing it is when we can learn to settle into the gentle rhythms of the Shepherd, patiently biding our time, confidently trusting that all is being taken care of and that the Shepherd is even present to us through the times of dark shadows.
Thought for the Day: When am I the most relaxed?