Daily Devotions

Daily Devotions

Then they told what had happened on the road, and how he had been made known to them in the breaking of the bread.” vs. 35

Luke 24:25-35

The post-resurrection appearances of Jesus, as recorded in the gospels, are mysterious and compelling. Each of the gospels has different stories with surprise endings and various twists. Luke’s account of the appearance to two unnamed disciples on the road to Emmaus has long spoken to the hearts of believers in every age. Some would argue that it’s the very best way of describing what happens in Holy Communion and helps to explain why this sacrament is the central part of our worship. As Jesus sat down at the table, took the bread and blessed it, and then gave it to the disciples, their eyes were opened and they recognized him. Through the centuries, countless others have had similar experiences in Holy Communion, but that’s not the only way Jesus is made known to us. He really does walk with us on our journey, and while we may not recognize that he is there, there will be occasions along the way where, by very ordinary means, he is made known. As with the disciples, those moments will be fleeting–a momentary flash of recognition–but they are precious times, regular reminders of his very real presence in our lives. And when we really do want to make a connection, it’s a blessing to know that he’ll always show up in the eating and drinking of Holy Communion.

Thought for the Day: How has Jesus been made known to me?


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