Then he said to Thomas, ‘Put your finger here and see my hands. Reach out your hand and put it in my side. Do not doubt but believe.’” vs. 27
John 20:26-31
Thomas had told the other disciples that he would not be convinced of Jesus’ resurrection unless he could touch his wounds–he didn’t need another sign, the scars would be enough. He needed to know that the resurrected Christ was the crucified Jesus! And his wish was granted. Jesus appeared, Thomas saw the wounds and confessed Jesus as his Lord and God. John’s account of this experience reminds us again that it’s in our woundedness that we offer the most convincing testimony to the continuing presence of Christ in our lives. We can tell story after story of our successes and the strength of our spirituality in an effort to impress others, but until they see our scars, our words will be empty and unconvincing. It’s only when we dare to pull aside our facades and allow people to see our scars and pain that we gain authenticity. In these moments, when pretending is put aside, connections are made on a deep and personal level. It’s here that we become credible to others, and doubting is turned to believing. That’s why the most trusted and respected spiritual leaders, both clergy and lay, are sometimes known as “wounded healers.” They can bear witness to the joy of the resurrection life because they have never covered up the marks of their suffering.
Thought for the Day: Wounded healers I have known!