When Jesus had received the wine, he said, ‘It is finished.’ Then he bowed his head and gave up his spirit.” vs. 19:30
John 18:1-19:42
The writer of the Gospel of John represents the death of Jesus, not as a sacrifice for sin, but as the moment of his glorification. This was the point toward which his entire ministry had been heading, and now that he had arrived, he simply says, “It is finished,” bows his head and dies. There wasn’t anything left for him to do–no more healings, no more sermons, no more signs; the last item on his “to do” list was his mother’s care, and once he’d taken care of that, his mission was accomplished. Most people probably wish for that kind of death, though it’s not likely we’d like it to be on a cross. What a blessing it is to say to our loved ones when death draws near that we are ready! Of course that’s not true for all believers! For some the final words might be more like, “Wait a bit, Lord. I’ve got a lot more living to do.” And that’s okay–it’s a good thing to love life. But sooner or later all of us are going to reach the finishing line, and even if we’d prefer a few more months or years, it’s good for us and our families if we haven’t left things undone. And, more than having our wills in order, it’s especially important to have our spiritual lives in order. When our spirit is at peace, we’re really ready to go!
Thought for the Day: What’s on my “to do” list?