Out of the depths I cry to you, O Lord. Lord, hear my voice! Let your ears be attentive to the voice of my supplications!” vss. 1-2
Psalm 130
It’s not much fun to live in the depths! The view is terrible and our only companions are depression and despair. But it was a familiar dwelling place for the psalmist–he likely lived in Jerusalem and life there was full of lamentable occasions. Calamity was a regular visitor. On this day, being at the end of his rope, he does the only thing he can, he cries out to the Lord with loud supplications. Many of us have been in similar situations, and for some it’s a regular occurrence. Again and again we cry out to God, knowing we don’t deserve special treatment but frustrated nonetheless. Tired of pasting on smiles we really don’t feel, worn down in our interior darkness, we double down on our prayers for release and renewal. And then we wait as patiently as we can, trusting and hoping that better days are just around the corner. And why do we hang on to that hope? Well, like the psalmist, we have come to believe that in the Lord there is steadfast love and the power to bring new life. Like countless servants of Jesus before us, we dare to believe that tomorrow will be a better day. And amazing as it may be, simply having that hope will be enough to lift us out of the depths!
Thought for the Day: Why is hope so powerful?