Daily Devotions

Daily Devotions

I will make of you a great nation, and I will bless you, and make your name great, so that you will be a blessing.” vs. 2

Genesis 12:1-4a

Israel’s ancient origin story begins with Abram and Sarai, the intrepid pair who left home and family in favor of a wandering nomadic life that took them all the way from Mesopotamia to Egypt. They became revered, not because of their wealth or station, but because they lived by faith–they trusted the promises of God. And now, some hundreds of generations later, those who are their faith children are still living the adventure, going where the Spirit leads, and trusting in the promises of God. At times in our history, we’ve imagined that some day we will arrive and actually become the great nation that was Abram and Sarai’s dream. But really, that’s not the point of the call. Ultimately our journey is not about being blessed, it’s about being a blessing. So that’s what we do! Never looking behind we plod onward over paths yet untrod, trusting that the God who sent Abram and Sarai is also sending us, and that on the way we will have daily opportunities to be a blessing to the hungry and hurting, the least and the lost. And as we continue to live by faith, we know that one day our descendants will fill the world, and all nations will be the inheritors of God’s richest blessings.

Thought for the Day: How will my descendants be a blessing to the world?


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