But Jesus came and touched them, saying, ‘Get up and do not be afraid.’ And when they looked up, they saw no one except Jesus himself alone.” vss. 7-8
Matthew 17:5-9
The disciples had been blown away. It had been a spectacular vision, with both visual and aural elements, and it terrified them. But when it was over Jesus was there, not to explain the vision, but to give them comfort. And that’s what they needed, not an explanation, just reassurance that things were going to be okay. They wouldn’t need to figure out what the vision meant for a long time yet. In the meantime, Jesus was there, and his presence was enough. We still don’t quite know what the vision was about, though by now explanations abound. Teachers and preachers love to tell us the meaning of obscure references in the scriptures, but that’s still not what we need. What we do need is the comforting presence of a friend, someone who can calm our fears and help us get back on our feet again. When we sit, eyes tightly clenched against the weirdness and pain of the world, wondering what’s going to happen next, there is nothing better than to feel that comforting hand on our shoulder and hear a word of affirmation. We’ve got plenty of time to figure stuff out in our lives, and sometimes things just stop being important, but we’ll never outgrow our need for that friend who is Jesus himself alone for us.
Thought for the Day: Who is my Jesus himself alone?