I will tell of the decree of the Lord: He said to me, ‘You are my son; today I have begotten you. Ask of me, and I will make the nations your heritage, and the ends of the earth your possession.’” vss. 7-8
Psalm 2
Many of the psalms in the Hebrew scriptures were “Royal Psalms” and were composed for special occasions like the coronation of a king. This psalmist imagines a dialogue in which the Lord promises that the king will rule over the nations and possess all the ends of the earth. It must have been a heady experience for the king to hear this psalm sung by choirs of levites. It’s the sort of beginning that rulers of all stripes have claimed for themselves. Over and over we’ve seen kings, tsars, dictators, and even presidents bask in the belief that their rule has divine backing. With every coronation, installation, and inauguration there are parades, choirs and prayers, and a persistent belief that God’s will is being done. But followers of Jesus have consistently taught that Jesus is the begotten Son of God and that his kingdom is the one that will stretch to the ends of the earth. Rulers of this world leave turmoil and destruction in their ongoing power struggles, but the reign of Jesus brings peace and hope. In his peaceable kingdom, the currency is love and battles are won with kindness and faith. And his victories truly are everlasting!
Thought for the Day: Why are some political leaders seen as messiahs?