Daily Devotions

Daily Devotions

The next day he saw Jesus coming toward him and declared, ‘Here is the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world!’” vs. 29

John 1:29-36

The gospel writer John indicates that John the Baptist also had a moment of insight and inspiration on the day that Jesus came for baptism. Though he didn’t know Jesus, the appearance of the dove convinced him that the Holy Spirit had designated Jesus as God’s Chosen One. So the very next day, when John sees Jesus mingling among his disciples he points him out as the Lamb of God, thereby becoming the very first Christian evangelist! Ironically, John did not become a follower of Jesus but continued his baptismal ministry until he was arrested and thrown into prison. But his testimony was not forgotten. Some heard what he said and became followers of Jesus, the first among billions who have acknowledged him as the Word of God. In our small ways we can continue to point the way to Jesus as the Light of the World. It might be a phrase or two in the course of an ordinary conversation, but our words of witness can spark a whole chain of events in a person’s life. Sometimes we won’t even realize what we’ve done, but the Spirit works in remarkable ways, and through our words lives can be changed. And when it’s our habit to point to Jesus as the Lamb, we never know who might be listening or how they might be affected.

Thought for the Day: How has someone’s testimony changed me?


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