The Name of Jesus
… and all who heard it were amazed at what the shepherds told them. But Mary treasured all these words and pondered them in her heart.” vss. 18-19
Luke 2:17-21
In Luke’s story, Mary treasured the report of the shepherds when they came to see the baby in Bethlehem. Obviously it was good news for her–but it was more than she could comprehend. She needed time for reflection as she pondered their words in her heart. Some of us are doing that sort of thing as we celebrate New Year’s Day. By tradition it’s a time for resolutions, a moment to take stock of our lives in light of what has happened, and to then vow to make some changes. Obviously this isn’t a day of repentance! We still haven’t reordered our lives; we’re only resolving to take a crack at it! But we have been through a pretty intense year, one filled with political turmoil, natural disasters, and global crises. And some of us have had some pretty stressful personal tensions too. And now we’ve heard the good news of Christmas yet again. We know that Jesus Christ is loose in the world and may be wondering if that should be making a difference in how we live. We might even be considering repentance! And the truth is, today is a good day to get started–or maybe we’ll start tomorrow, after one more day of football and pickled herring! But we can make the resolutions today! And then pray for the self-control we will need to actually follow through!
Thought for the Day: What resolutions have made my list?