Christmas Day
And the Word became flesh and lived among us, and we have seen his glory, the glory as of a father’s only son, full of grace and truth.” vs. 14
John 1:1-14
Christmas is the day chosen to celebrate the birth of Jesus, and the name was chosen quite deliberately. It would not have been adequate to call it Jesusmas. Not only would that name have been clumsy to say, it wouldn’t have come close to expressing the full meaning of the celebration. But as it is, Christmas connects Jesus to the Word present at creation in a most exquisite way. The word “Christmas” in itself is a bold theological statement that affirms the conviction of early believers that Jesus was not only the Messiah promised in scripture, but the Word through whom all things have come into existence. And more than that, at Christmas we’re not only recalling an historical event but we’re celebrating the active presence of the Christ in the world today. In the moment of Christ’s birth and life, the eternal presence of the Word connected with the person of Jesus as a demonstration and proclamation of God’s sacrificial love. From that point on, we haven’t had to wonder what God is like or whether we have salvation or not. The whole gospel of grace exploded into the world through Jesus the Christ, and as we continue to celebrate Christmas, we get a fresh reminder every single year. Joy to the world, the Christ has come!
Thought for the Day: What has been my best Christmas gift?