Daily Devotions

Daily Devotions

Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign. Look, the young woman is with child and shall bear a son, and shall name him Immanuel.” vs. 14

Isaiah 7:10-16

During the years Isaiah was an advisor to King Ahaz of Judah, Israel and Syria had joined forces and launched an attack against Jerusalem, hoping to overthrow Ahaz. In the midst of the siege Isaiah goes to Ahaz, and when Ahaz refuses to ask God for a sign, gives him one of his own devising. A young woman will have a son and call him Immanuel, a symbolic name meaning “With us is God.” God was with Judah and Jerusalem was spared, at least for the time being. The name is familiar–believers from the beginning have attached it to Jesus–and it fits! If we’re wondering if God has abandoned us, or if there really is a God, we need look no further than Jesus. In him God is with us! It’s the most wonderful sign that humanity has ever been given. That’s why believers get so excited as we get ready for our annual celebration of Jesus’ birth. There are many things to be concerned about in our messed up world. Wars continue unabated, climate change is happening faster than we ever imagined, and refugees abound. And in the middle of all that we gather to sing out our favorite Advent hymn, “O Come, O Come Immanuel.” We don’t have to find God–God is already among us–unseen and powerful! Our future is secure!

Thought for the Day: What are signs that God is with us?


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