Daily Devotions

Daily Devotions

The wilderness and the dry land shall be glad, the desert shall rejoice and blossom; like the crocus it shall blossom abundantly, and rejoice with joy and singing.” vss. 1-2a

Isaiah 35:1-4

Isaiah lived in a semi-arid land, right on the edge of the Judean desert, and he annually observed the effects of the rainy season. When the winter rains come in January or February, the desert blooms. Areas that appear to be barren much of the year suddenly are covered with blankets of colorful flowers. Isaiah was right. It really does appear as though the hills have come alive and are now rejoicing with joy and singing. People who live in the Sonoran Desert region of the Southwest know exactly what he experienced. For Isaiah, this annual transformation was a sign of the glory and the power of God, a reminder to Israel that they had not been abandoned and God would come to them soon. When we wait attentively we will see those signs of God too. These days we are experiencing the transformation of neighborhoods with the advent of holiday decorations. Some are gaudy and inappropriate, but they do make our dark streets sparkle. It seems that even our secular culture yearns for signs of light in the midst of darkness. For eyes of faith those blow-up Santas and larger-than-life Frosty’s are a sign that God is. Christmas is coming. Jesus has already come–there is hope for us all!

Thought for the Day: Where am I seeing reminders of God’s glory?


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