Daily Devotions

Daily Devotions

They will not hurt or destroy on all my holy mountain; for the earth will be full of the knowledge of the Lord as the waters cover the sea.” vs. 9

​​​​​​​​​Isaiah 11:6-11

Having lived through a virtual two-year shutdown of our country, and now, another contentious election, hope is a precious commodity. For some reason leaders of all kinds have been led to sow a message of fear and distrust that has found its way into too many hearts. Many seem to live on the edge of outrage, and some have even adopted hatred as a way of life. With that as a backdrop, followers of Jesus are bound to be faithful to the message of hope that fills the gospel and was a staple of the prophets. Isaiah’s vision of the peaceable kingdom is one that deserves our attention now and always. God, the One who is the source of all and who inhabits all, will one day bring peace to our warring and tumultuous world. We may doubt that now–just as the folks in Isaiah’s day likely doubted his words. But we are not called as disciples to live in the “what is,” we are people of “what will be!” And as long as we have breath we will continue to have hope, and pray that the innate goodness of humanity will one day prevail. Having that dream as our daily mantra will make a difference as we live into what seems to be an uncertain future. God is—and one day God’s love will most certainly prevail. 

Thought for the Day: What difference does hope make?


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