Daily Devotions

Daily Devotions

The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom; all those who practice it have a good understanding. His praise endures forever.” vs. 10      

Psalm 111

For centuries there wasn’t much question about the primacy of the Lord. Pretty much everyone, at least in the Judeo-Christian heritage, would have agreed with the psalmist–the Lord was in control and showered blessings over the entire earth. Our awesome God had power and might and was also gracious and merciful. But somewhere along the line, as new discoveries opened the way to miraculous technologies, humans began to believe that science was the key to a prosperous and bountiful future. There was no longer a need to practice the old religions–many said that we’d be better off without them. Unfortunately, modern thinking hasn’t produced the hoped-for results, and now even science has fallen into disrepute. The new technologies have uncovered the ugliness of the human heart in ways we’d never dreamed possible, and humanity seems to be foundering on the brink of destruction. Some are beginning to think that the psalmist had it right after all, that the fear of the Lord really is the beginning of wisdom. People are exploring the Great Mystery with new-found humility and coming to new understandings of the universe’s intricacies and order. We don’t need to abandon science–it can be a wonderful tool–but it can never replace the Lord.

Thought for the Day: How am I feeling about science?     


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