Daily Devotions

Daily Devotions

I am reminded of your sincere faith, a faith that lived first in your grandmother Lois and your mother Eunice and now, I am sure, lives in you.” vs. 5

2 Timothy 1:1-5

Some believers come to faith on their own; guided by the Spirit they are drawn to Jesus by his message of grace and mercy, and then make a decision to become his disciples. With most of us the story is different. Like Timothy, we are heavily influenced by the faith of family members and often walk the same paths of our parents and grandparents. Sometimes it’s as though we didn’t even have a chance to make up our own minds. There were table and bedtime prayers, and bibles given as gifts as soon as we could read. And then there was Sunday worship, our family in the same pew year after year, and then came confirmation, whether we wanted to go or not. And at the end of it all we confessed our faith and affirmed our baptisms. Whether that faith was sincere or not is another question–most of us finally needed some time to sort things out for ourselves–but a lot of the time the process worked. The faith that lived in our grandparents now lives in us, and it is a great blessing! There are so many options and choices to sort through in the process of growing up, and a solid faith foundation makes everything else that much easier. Our parents have done us a favor–even if confirmation was kind of a pain!

Thought for the Day: How was my faith passed to me?


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