1 Samuel 3:1-10 “Now the boy Samuel was ministering to the Lord under Eli. The word of the Lord was rare in those days; visions were not widespread.” vs. 1
Corruption was rampant in the days of Eli. People were bringing sacrifices to Shiloh where an altar to the Lord had been set up but the priests, even Eli’s sons, were nothing but scoundrels. And in the midst of the chaos the word of the Lord came to a child, the boy Samuel. Sunday School children love this story–with all kinds of grown-ups to choose from, the Lord picked a kid! Some in our time identify with this story of malfeasance in high places. In fact, that’s the word on the streets these days! Elections have been stolen and corruption reigns–we fling the accusations against one another with relish–and many are yearning for a word from the Lord. But times are not the same! The word of the Lord was rare in Eli’s time–not so today! Whether we believe it or not, the Word is in the world and its Light is burning brightly all over the globe. And even in the turmoil of our post-election trauma there are those of every political persuasion who are working for peace and justice while practicing love and kindness in all of their encounters. And sometimes we see the Word most clearly in the faces and hugs of our children. In their childlike naïveté we see hope–lies will never have the last word.
Thought for the Day: Why does the smile of a child melt our hearts?