The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; I have a goodly heritage.” vs. 6
Psalm 16:1-6
This psalmist has no complaints about his life and is seriously grateful for the serenity that accompanies his days. And it isn’t because he thinks he’s more clever than anyone else or that the Lord loves him more. It’s just the way life has worked out for him–he knows that what he has is a gift. He lives in a good place and he has a goodly heritage–and he’s especially thankful for the solid faith that grounds him. He’s conscious of God’s constant presence and he relies on that spiritual connection to guide his decisions. Many of us know what that is like. We’re comfortable in our lives, and it isn’t because of our effort or calculation. We’ve lived careful and decent lives and are the beneficiaries of the planning and effort of those who have gone before us. And faith has always been a part of it. For one reason or another we’ve not strayed after the false gods of our culture and their empty promises, but have remained connected to our religious heritage. It isn’t that there is never suffering or pain–we too can get COVID or cancer–and sometimes our kids disappoint us. Ironically, when people ask us how we are, we’re reluctant to say just how good life is. We’re afraid it will sound like bragging! But it really is okay to feel good about how things have gone–and in reality it’s a blessing to just be alive!
Thought for the Day: How am I feeling about my life?