Then he said to me, ‘It is done! I am the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end. To the thirsty I will give water as a gift from the spring of the water of life.’” vs. 6
Revelation 21:5-6
Whatever else we might say about the writer who gifted us with the book of Revelation, he definitely had a sense of God’s majesty and glory. He knew that the Great Mystery was the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end. All things have their origin in God and owe their continued existence to the sustaining and indwelling presence of God. There will never be a time when God is not! As humans we can mess around with the earth and stir things up to our heart’s content, but God will always be in all and through all. Sometimes we may not feel that Divine Presence–it’s easy to imagine that we are alone and that the world is sucking us dry with every kind of hurt and concern. But somehow we keep going, and in our thirst we are sustained by the water of life as a special gift from the God who gave us existence. It flows into our lives when we least expect it and when we need it the most. Out of nowhere we stumble across the springs of the water of life and drink deeply to quench our thirst. This is the Living Water that Jesus spoke of–and best news of all, it’s all a gift!
Thought for the Day: When have I found living water?