My sheep hear my voice. I know them, and they follow me. I give them eternal life, and they will never perish. No one will snatch them out of my hand.” vss. 27-28
John 10:27-30
We’ve entered into the primary season in our election cycle and politicians of every stripe are spending millions of dollars to craft messages that they believe will attract the most voters to their cause. Sometimes the process isn’t pretty. It doesn’t seem to be necessary for the politicians to actually believe what they promise–most switch their positions regularly–but they really do have to know their audience. Some are quite good at what they do. They know their sheep, and their sheep follow them! But none of those campaigners are the Good Shepherd! They offer what they think people want, but only Jesus can give eternal life. He’s not a liberal or a conservative, but he is authentic, and he always keeps his promises. The life he offers begins now and is founded on steadfast and selfless love. Those who hear his voice and follow are led into communities of faith where hope and joy abound. They find fulfillment in serving as the hands and feet of God and reaching out to the helpless and the poor. And the best news of all is that this life can never be taken away from them. As Jesus puts it, “No one will snatch them out of my hand.” It’s fine for us to be interested in politics and even vote in primaries, but no politician will ever know us like Jesus does!
Thought for the Day: How are voters like sheep?