Daily Devotions

Daily Devotions

For now we see in a mirror, dimly, but then we will see face to face. Now I know only in part; then I will know fully, even as I have been fully known.” vs. 12

1 Corinthians 13:7-13

Gifted futurists can make a good living with their projections about the direction of life on earth and in the universe. After all, no one can prove them wrong, and their computer modeling is often compelling. We won’t really know if they were right until dozens or even hundreds of years have passed. Paul, writing 2000 years ago, tells us that any knowledge we have about God or the universe, or even life itself, is at best partial. He says that all the things we assert and predict, all our reasoning, is like child’s play when compared to the glory that will one day be revealed. It must have been excruciating for Paul to write these things–he showed such confidence in his own opinions as wrote to the congregations under his care. But he’d come a long way in the course of his ministry, and he now realized that the Divine Mystery was greater than his mind could comprehend. And so it is with us when we lay aside our arrogance and embrace humility. The truth is that we don’t have all the answers–our knowledge is incomplete. But what we do have is love, the incandescent all-sufficient love of Christ, and that love embraces us on the journey, and in the long run, it’s really all that we need.

Thought for the Day: At what points in my life have I felt the smartest?


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