Daily Devotions

Daily Devotions

 It is good to give thanks to the Lord, to sing praises to your name, O Most High; to declare your steadfast love in the morning, and your faithfulness by night…” vss. 1-2

Psalm 92:1-4

The psalmist had a rhythm to his life that strengthened his relationship to the Lord, and many of us could learn from his daily practices. He obviously lived with thanks in his heart and on his lips–he was glad to be alive and knew that he wasn’t the center of the universe. His grateful spirit likely showed on his face and in his encounters with family and friends–that’s just how it is when every day is Thanksgiving! He could live that way because he began and ended each day connecting with the Lord. He awakened every morning knowing that he was loved by God unconditionally and in the evening he recounted the ways God had protected and sustained him through the day. Those morning and evening prayers are essential for any of us interested in a long-term relationship with the Divine Presence. They don’t have to be long or complicated, just a God Pause or two at the beginning and the end of our days. It might not seem like much, but these are the moments that give a blessed rhythm to our comings and our goings. It’s so easy to get caught up in the intricacies of daily schedules–sometimes we wonder how we get so busy. So we can’t neglect good starts and smooth finishes–they’re our most important daily appointments!

Thought for the Day: How do I start and end my days?


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