For in hope we were saved. Now hope that is seen is not hope. For who hopes for what is seen?” vs. 24
Romans 8:22-25
We regularly hear people of faith speak of the future with great confidence. It appears that they have no doubt that one day love will conquer and that evil will be defeated. They speak of peace on earth with great conviction, as though it’s going to be happening in just a few more years. And when it comes to life after death there is no question of their certainly. They say that they know what happens when we die, that their faith gives them blessed assurance. And many of us agree with such believers. Our confidence about the future is beyond doubt. But some wonder! We confess the creeds along with everyone else, but sometimes questions are there too. Are the things we say we believe in really true, especially those things that have to do with the future? It’s not that we don’t believe–we just don’t know! Paul seems to have understood those feelings as he writes to the Romans about hope. He says that when it comes down to it, our faith is not based on what we know, but on what we hope. And his words ring true for us. We don’t know what the future will bring, but we sure hope for the fulfillment of Jesus’ promises. And amazingly enough, our hope is enough to sustain us. It’s hope that pulls us to worship, it’s hope that brings comfort when death draws near. Hope may not be everything, but it is enough for faith!
Thought for the Day: Why do I keep on hoping?