Posts by Rev. Steve Holm (Page 170)

Posts by Rev. Steve Holm (Page 170)

Daily Devotions: November 6, 2018

November 6, 2018 1 Kings 17:13-16 …“She went and did as Elijah said, so that she as well as he and her household ate for many days.” vs. 15 It’s easy to say, “Don’t worry, God will provide,” but it’s a lot harder to live that way. We all know that sometimes people in our world starve to death. Sometimes people fall into bankruptcy and never recover. That’s just the way it is. So, while we may have some degree…

Daily Devotions: November 5, 2018

November 5, 2018 1 Kings 17:6-12 …“As she was going to bring it, he called to her and said, ‘Bring me a morsel of bread in your hand.’” The people of Israel had a whole series of Elijah stories that they told and then preserved in writing. They wanted their descendants to know about this incredible prophet who dared to speak truth to power in the days of Ahab and Jezebel. In one of those stories, Elijah goes to a…

Daily Devotions: November 4, 2018

November 4, 2018 John 11: 38-40 …“Jesus said to her, ‘Did I not tell you that if you believed, you would see the glory of God?’” Martha had already established that she was a believer. She knew that Jesus was the Messiah, the Son of God, but she also had solid credentials as a skeptic. When they got to the tomb, she makes sure that Jesus knows that her brother was really dead, that he’d been in the tomb for…

Daily Devotions: November 3, 2018

November 3, 2018 John 11:32-37 …“But some of them said, ‘Could not he who opened the eyes of the blind man have kept this man from dying?’” vs. 37  When dread disease comes to someone in our network of acquaintances, out of love and concern, we offer prayers for the miracle of healing. And sometimes there is a cure and the joy is intense. But other times, too often it seems, there isn’t a healing. We all know what that…

Daily Devotions: November 2, 2018

November 2, 2018 Revelations 21:4-6a …“he will wipe every tear from their eyes. Death will be no more; mourning and crying and pain will be no more, for the first things have passed away.” vs. 4               We all know people who have, for one reason or another, absorbed more than their share of pain and sorrow in the course of their lives. Marriages fail, illness stalks, families disappoint, and one sad day is followed by another. And sometimes all this…

Daily Devotions: November 1, 2018

November 1, 2018 Revelation 21:1-3 …“And I saw the holy city, the new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband.” vs. 2 The book of Revelation speaks to the imagination of our hearts with its vivid pictures and symbols of the time to come. Never intended to be taken literally, it describes the ultimate victory of God over all the forces of sin, and promises that one day God’s kingdom will…

Daily Devotions: October 31, 2018

October 31, 2018 Psalm 24:7-10 …“Lift up your heads, O gates! and be lifted up, O ancient doors! That the King of glory may come in.” vs. 7 Those responsible for temple rituals in Jerusalem developed liturgies that could be used for special occasions and festivals. Fragments of those liturgies can be found in the psalms. They provide us windows into the worship practices of our ancestral faith community. Psalm 24 describes a kind of entrance ritual that involved a…

Daily Devotions: October 30, 2018

October 30, 2018 Psalm 24:1-6 …“Who shall ascend the hill of the Lord? And who shall stand in his holy place? Those who have clean hands and pure hearts, who do not lift up their souls to what is false, and do not swear deceitfully.” vss. 3-4 Election day is fast approaching and for some of us it can’t get here soon enough! We are so tired of the endless litany of accusations being tossed back and forth by rival…

Daily Devotions: October 29, 2018

October 29, 2018 Isaiah 25:6-9 …“And he will destroy on this mountain the shroud that is cast over all peoples, the sheet that is spread over all nations; he will swallow up death forever.” vs. 7 A long, long time ago the prophet had the sense that there was more to the cycle of life than meets the eye. It wasn’t just a matter of being born, living for a time, and then dying. There just had to be more…

Daily Devotions: October 28, 2018

October 28, 2018 John 8:34-36  …“Jesus answered them, ‘Very truly, I tell you, everyone who commits sin is a slave to sin…So if the Son makes you free, you will be free indeed.’” vss. 34, 36 There’s not a lot of talk about sin in our day. It’s almost as though it has ceased to be a factor in our daily living. Oh, we still acknowledge mistakes and know that sometimes we do dumb stuff, but in general, we don’t…

Daily Devotions: October 27, 2018

October 27, 2018 John 8:31-33  …“They answered him, ‘We are descendants of Abraham and have never been slaves to anyone. What do you mean by saying, “You will be made free”?’” When Jesus told the religious leaders that, as his disciples they could be made free, their response is both understandable and laughable. They were, of course, proud of their heritage as children of Abraham. It gave them a stable identity and set them apart from other people. But to…

Daily Devotions: October 26, 2018

October 26, 2018 Romans 3:26-28  …“Then what becomes of boasting? It is excluded. By what law? By that of works? No, but by the law of faith.” vs. 27 Because of his conviction that salvation came through faith and not by works of the law, Paul insisted that there was no room for boasting. And he’s right! When everything is based on grace we have nothing to brag about. As he had earlier written to the Galatians, “May I never…