Touchpoints on Love (Page 2)

Touchpoints on Love (Page 2)

"I have called you by name, you are mine" Touchpoint. Image of Christ with lamb on his shoulders

Named and Claimed

“But here is the good news: God has named us and claimed us. Not the other way around. In the waters of baptism, we are called by name and claimed by God. In the giving of the bread and wine in communion, we are named and claimed as the residing place of God’s presence.”
New Year's Resolutions Touchpoint

New Year’s Resolutions

“I went online to look at the steps to salvation, or how to be born again. And I must say, I didn’t hear many first words that had God saying to me, “You are my beloved child, with whom I am well pleased.” I read a lot about me being a sinner. That seemed to be the starting point for everything. My sinfulness. I read a lot about the ‘sinner’s prayer,’ but I couldn’t find the ‘beloved child of God’ prayer.”
You cannot serve both wealth and God Touchpoint

Commending the Dishonest Manager

“The parable catches us in the act. We are transactional at heart. Our revulsion to this steward reveals our true character, not his… and shines a light on where we stand on the economic ladder. Do you think those who were in debt are mad at the dishonest steward?”
Christ is all and in all Touchpoint

All in All

“So maybe there is another “C” the church should be involved in other than Converting or Condemning. Maybe the church should be involved in Celebrating. Celebrating the Christ that is present in you and me and all people and things.”
The parable of The Good Samaritan Touchpoint

Who Was the Neighbor?

“To love the neighbor as myself is to recognize the neighbor as myself. We are one and the same. We both carry the Christ within us. To walk past the wounds of the neighbor is to walk past the wounds of our own lives. To not touch the wounds of the neighbor is to think we can live without touching the wounds of our very selves.”
A Distinction without a Difference Touchpoint

No Distinction

“This is what seems to most irritate the other disciples about what Peter did. It wasn’t that he didn’t invite those others to join them and become a part of them. They and we would have been good with that.”
The Lord Is My Shepherd Touchpoint

House Dweller

“Who are the green pastures of your life? Who are the still waters? Who has restored your soul? Who has led you in paths of goodness? Been with you in the shadows of life?”

Give Credit Where Credit is Due

Grace and Peace from the Mystery in whom we live and move and have our being. I know I read from “The Message” interpretation by Eugene Peterson for our passage today, and I did so because it is such a good one. But I am going to use the NRSV (New Revised Standard Version) translation for this Touchpoint, because I think it shows how we have used and misused this passage. Love your enemies, do good to those who hate…
Touchpoint Wednesday Respite Two Women Meet

Two Women

“On the one hand, I am fully aware that I am not among the 1% and so I kind of like the idea of bringing the mighty and powerful down, but I don’t have to drive more than a few minutes from here to realize that to a great many people, I am the proud, the powerful, and the rich.”
John the Baptist - The Word of God Comes

Frankly, I Prefer the Baby

“And yet, even in my denial, betrayal and taking flight, “THE WORD OF GOD CAME,” the Christ comes to me in my denial and betrayal, and like a good shepherd pursues me in my flight away from him.”
Barbed wire fence in the shape of a heart illustrates Bro. Jim's Touchpoint

God is a Divorcée

“You see, for Jesus, life isn’t about being right or wrong. It’s about relationships. The greatest commandment isn’t, ‘Be right with all your heart soul and mind.’  No, it’s ‘Love with all your heart soul and mind.'”

Jesus Forbids Forbidding

“Jesus takes on the ultimate exclusions, murder and death. And transforms them into resurrection and life. You see, even exclusion gets taken up into the Mystery and is transformed into healing and wholeness. Jesus forbids forbidding by transforming it, not excluding it.”