Touchpoints (Page 9)

Touchpoints (Page 9)

Touchpoint is a reflection on where God’s story touches our life story. It is a short homily based on a biblical story of people in the Old and New Testaments and their relationship with God. Our spiritual ancestors’ experience of God’s grace connects with our lives in the present and our relationship with the Divine.

The kingdom of Heaven is at hand Touchpoint

Christians Shouldn’t Be Scaredy-Cats

“The kingdom is not a hiding place from the vagaries of life, its pain and suffering. It is an encounter with them and an embracing of them. It is finding the Divine Mystery in the midst of them. This is the message of the One who eats with the outcasts and hangs on a cross. This is the message of the One who is resurrected and breathes “PEACE” on those who denied and betrayed him, tortured and crucified him.”
You cannot serve both wealth and God Touchpoint

Commending the Dishonest Manager

“The parable catches us in the act. We are transactional at heart. Our revulsion to this steward reveals our true character, not his… and shines a light on where we stand on the economic ladder. Do you think those who were in debt are mad at the dishonest steward?”
Grace will follow you Touchpoint

Who Are the Lost Sheep?

“Know this, the Mystery will come and hunt you down. Come looking for you. And you will know Grace has always been with you. Whether you left the fold because of earthly entanglements or left the fold due to your pursuit of the height of spiritual piety.”
Go to War with God Touchpoint


“Now I must say, in those churches where the Divine was the focus, it didn’t matter whether it was high church, or low church, or no church. When whatever they were doing put the focus on the Mystery, IT WAS DIVINE.”
Welcome the Stranger Touchpoint

Outside the Camp

“You know why I should welcome the stranger? Because I’m strange. You know why you should welcome the stranger? Because you’re strange. You know why God welcomes the stranger – because God is strange. After all, we didn’t crucify him because we thought he was TOO NORMAL!”
You are a beloved child of God Touchpoint

Straighten Up!!!

“This isn’t a demon inside of her holding her down. This is a demon in the world, its systems, its cultures, that chooses to value people on something other than being children of God.”
The Fire of Christ Touchpoint

The Refiner’s Fire

“Sometimes I wish Jesus would have just come to earth and said, “This is going to hurt me more than it’s going to hurt you.” I would have been good with that. But Jesus is not a Pollyanna. He’s a realist. He will undergo a death and resurrection. And so will we. There’s no way to do an end run around Good Friday to get to Easter. For him or us.”
Your Father's Good Pleasure Touchpoint

What Pleases God

“The only thing I can go and sell is what has always been given to me. When everything is seen as a gift from God, ‘my possessions’ is a contradiction, an oxymoron. Or maybe it’s a falsehood redundancy, because there is no more ‘my’ and there are no more ‘possessions.’”
Christ is all and in all Touchpoint

All in All

“So maybe there is another “C” the church should be involved in other than Converting or Condemning. Maybe the church should be involved in Celebrating. Celebrating the Christ that is present in you and me and all people and things.”
Nothing is impossible with God Touchpoint

Lord, You Want the Impossible!

“Life is so much easier when God calls on me to do things I understand, like, and agree with. How will I respond to the things I don’t understand, the things that make me uncomfortable, the things that others tell me are wrong?”
In Christ all things hold together Touchpoint

In Christ All Things Hold Together

“They, with us, heard these words: “In Christ all things hold together.” I want to believe that. I “need” to believe that! And with God’s grace, if we can hold each other together, with patient expectation and prayer, we just might be able to join St. Paul as servants of this gospel.”
The parable of The Good Samaritan Touchpoint

Who Was the Neighbor?

“To love the neighbor as myself is to recognize the neighbor as myself. We are one and the same. We both carry the Christ within us. To walk past the wounds of the neighbor is to walk past the wounds of our own lives. To not touch the wounds of the neighbor is to think we can live without touching the wounds of our very selves.”