Touchpoint Archive (Page 10)

Touchpoint Archive (Page 10)

Catch up on Touchpoints by Spirit in the Desert spiritual director, Henry Rojas, as well as archival Touchpoints by former faith mentor, Rev. “Bro. Jim” Hanson.

A Distinction without a Difference Touchpoint

No Distinction

“This is what seems to most irritate the other disciples about what Peter did. It wasn’t that he didn’t invite those others to join them and become a part of them. They and we would have been good with that.”
The Lord Is My Shepherd Touchpoint

House Dweller

“Who are the green pastures of your life? Who are the still waters? Who has restored your soul? Who has led you in paths of goodness? Been with you in the shadows of life?”
Feed My Sheep Touchpoint

Where God Spends Eternity

“The gospel isn’t asking us where we want to spend eternity, the gospel is telling us where God is spending eternity. And God is spending it with us. In life and death, in fear and doubt, in joy and sorrow. From cradle to the grave, and beyond. And so, if I spend all my time preparing for the heavenly after-life, and miss the heavenly this-life, the heavenly now-life, I’ve missed out on a lot.”
Show me your scars Touchpoint

Wounded Touch

“You see, the problem may not be that people don’t want to belong to the church. The problem may just be that the church doesn’t want to belong to the Christ. Perhaps we’ve been so busy worshipping Jesus we’ve forgotten to follow him.”
God said yes Touchpoint


“But it isn’t a YES that says, ‘Yes, you do measure up,’ or ‘Yes, you are good enough.’ It’s rather a YES that says, ‘YES, you don’t have to measure up. YES, you don’t have to be good enough. Because it’s not about measuring up or being good enough. My YES will simply embrace and transform your NO.'”
God's Unstoppable Grace Touchpoint


“That is what this week is about. That is what the passion, crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus is about. God will simply not stop being a loving, gracious and forgiving God. And not in some theoretical, metaphysical, mystical way. God will simply not stop being a loving, gracious and forgiving God here on earth – to us and with us.”
God in the midst of chaos Touchpoint

Getting Rid of the Bubble Wrap

“This is a text to read when it feels like the world is crashing down around us, when our minds are too jaded and our spirits too discouraged to see how God may be present in our current darkness. This is the passage to read when we come face to face with the mess we as humans have made of our relationships and of this world, when we recognize how profoundly broken and how incapable of fixing ourselves we are. For it is in this place of helplessness and disorientation that hope emerges.”
The prodigal sons Touchpoint

The Prodigal Sons

“We have bastardized the Mystery’s grace, the Father’s love. But guess what, there are no bastard children in the family of God. And the door into the house is always open, and the feast never ends. Deniers and betrayers, doubters and cowards are welcome…”
Reward and Punishment Touchpoint

Let It Be

“Now I’m not sure what this says about God the Father, but I am clear on what it says about God the Son. He will not go back on forgiveness. He will not go back on grace. He will not deal with us on the basis of reward and punishment or getting what we deserve. Not now, not next year, not ever.”
Our problems are God's problems Touchpoint

Complain, Complain, Complain!

“Our problems are God’s problems. Prayer is in part a way of speaking to God that involves God in our daily lives. And in prayer, we remind God that God has promised to be faithful to being ‘Immanuel’ (God with us).”
Remember you are dust Touchpoint

The Second Dust-Up

“You see, it was dust and dirt from which we were created, and dust and dirt into which the Mystery gladly breathed its breath and Spirit, and then declared us ‘Very Good.’”
Listen to God's beloved Son Touchpoint

Listen Up

Grace and peace from the Mystery in whom we live and move and have our being. Listen to God’s beloved Son. This is my Son, my chosen … Listen to him. This is my Son, my chosen … Listen to him. This is my Son, my chosen … LISTEN to him. Luke 9:28-36 OK, let’s talk about this. Seriously, what am I supposed to do with a passage which has as its primary message ‘listening?’ What do I do with…