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'resilience' Tagged Posts

Daily Devotions

But if we hope for what we do not see, we wait for it with patience.” vs. 25 Romans 8:22-25 Hope is a big part of the believer’s journey! Because life is not like a novel there’s no way we can look ahead to the last page and see how the story is going to end, and some days that just drives us crazy. It’s not that we haven’t been told what the future will be like–all kinds of scenarios…

Daily Devotions

And not only that, but we also boast in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance, and endurance produces character, and character produces hope…” vss. 3-4 Romans 5:1-5 Paul relished the gift of faith that he had been given in Christ Jesus, but he never imagined that his faith would make him immune to suffering. In fact, we could even say that he relished the suffering that had come his way as a servant of the Lord. That’s why he…

Daily Devotions

Are any among you suffering? They should pray. Are any cheerful? They should sing songs of praise.” vs. 13 James 5:13-15 James imagines that the community to which he is writing has close connections, not only to other members of the community, but to God, the Divine Presence and Source of all Being. This means, he believes, that in every situation of life the people will turn to God, not only with prayers for healing when there is suffering, but…

Daily Devotions

1 Thessalonians 1:6-10 … “And you became imitators of us and of the Lord, for in spite of persecution you received the word with joy inspired by the Holy Spirit…” vs. 6 Paul hadn’t stayed long in Thessalonica. His preaching had been favorably received by some Gentile searchers but the Jews of the city had forced him to leave. He was worried that the word he had preached would be lost by those who had received it, and was overjoyed…