Daily Devotions

Daily Devotions

Though an army encamp against me, my heart shall not fear; though war rise up against me, yet I will be confident.”

Psalm 27:1-8

The psalmist was no stranger to war and its devastating consequences. The city of Jerusalem was besieged and destroyed regularly and its residents were accustomed to seeing foreign armies camped on the surrounding hills and refugees flooding into the city. In recent weeks we’ve seen this same ugly scene unfold in our time as the people of Ukraine have had to deal with invading troops and massive destruction in their cities. Many of them have likely turned to the psalms for guidance and comfort, and it may be that some have found reason for confidence in their reassuring verses. What’s disconcerting is that their attackers have also been diligently praying; their priests have been imploring God for success in their forces’ brave “defense” against the encroaching allied forces of Europe! That’s the way it is with us; when war comes the natural inclination is always to demonize the opposition. While we still have no idea how this conflict is going to find any kind of resolution, we are having plenty of opportunities for prayer. It’s a scary time for our world. Things could easily spin out of control–and of course our hearts go out to those who are the true victims of what has happened. The ones who suffer the most seldom are the ones responsible for the horror! May God hear their prayers!

Thought for the Day: How has this conflict affected me?


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