Daily Devotions

Daily Devotions

Unlike the other high priests, he has no need to offer sacrifices day after day, first for his own sins, and then for those of the people; this he did once for all when he offered himself.” vs. 27

Hebrews 7: 27-28

The writer of Hebrews used familiar imagery (for his readers anyway) to convey the truth of the gospel. For any who were wondering how they could possibly atone for their sins now that the temple was gone, he had a simple answer, “Don’t worry about it…Jesus has already taken care of it.” His message continues to be good news, even if we aren’t familiar with high priests or atonement theories. For any who are concerned about forgiveness or who are wondering if their sins are even forgivable, the answer is clear. “Don’t worry about it! It’s been taken care of!” We don’t have to understand the logic or the mechanism, all we need to do is accept that we are forgiven sinners. Now, if we like thinking about such things or enjoy arguing about arcane theological issues, that’s fine. We can go right ahead and do that! But if we want to get on with the business of living without worrying about the past, we’re free to do that too. And that’s the choice most will make. Life is too short for us to waste time feeling guilty about our missteps, mistakes, or sins. By grace we have been set free in Christ to enjoy the life that is ours, both now and forever.

Thought for the Day: How does it feel to live by grace?


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