Daily Devotions

Daily Devotions

Steadfast love and faithfulness will meet; righteousness and peace will kiss each other.” vs. 10

Psalm 85:8-13

The psalmist knew that there was nothing but good ahead for the people of Israel. Even though they had rebelled against the Lord, there would be a restoration. They would not be forsaken–salvation was at hand. Ever since those days the people of God have lived in anticipation of that moment–Jesus called it the coming of the Kingdom of God. And while we often think of that restoration as being a part of a far distant future, Jesus told his followers that it was at hand, that it could be experienced in the here and now. Where do we see that? It is as the psalmist described. Salvation comes when steadfast love and faithfulness meet; when righteousness and peace kiss each other. And just as our attentive eyes catch regular glimpses of the Christ, we also see the signs of that salvation. It happens all the time in families and congregations all over the world. Love and faithfulness come together, and when they do, righteousness and peace are not far behind. Of course we always long for the end of rebellion and idolatry–such yearnings are natural. But brokenness will never have the last word in a universe circumscribed by the absolute and steadfast love of God! No wonder the psalmist always broke into praise by the time his psalm had ended–it’s the only fitting response for any of us.

Thought for the Day: When do I get discouraged?


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