Suki Kisling

Suki Kisling

Empowering Women

Suki Kisling’s zeal for empowering women continues to find many opportunities. She lived in Las Vegas for 28 years where she opened her own
financial planning practice. Some of her clients were widows who were at a
loss to manage finances. Some had never written a check or paid a household
bill. Suki was there for them with support and education. She said, “Teaching
women to become independent became a passion. This passion combined with
my Christian faith became the focus of a retreat entitled “Empowering Women
to Become who God Created You to Be.”

Many of those retreats for Community Lutheran Church in Las Vegas were held at Spirit in the Desert Retreat Center in Carefree, Arizona where she experienced hospitality and serenity. She said, “Everything we needed for a successful retreat was in one peaceful spot – so different from Las Vegas.”

Suki continues to be a leader of women in her full-time role as Ambassador for the Grand Canyon Synod Women of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. She meets with women who are members of congregations in Arizona, Nevada, and Utah and facilitates training events and retreats. Together, the women support each other in expressing their Christian faith in
service to others. Spirit in the Desert’s Board of Directors appointed and welcomed Suki as a new member in April 2019.

She wants to see Spirit in the Desert continue to host people of all backgrounds and faiths. She said, “The retreat center offers a sanctuary for renewal. It is a place where you can meet God and feel the fullness of his grace. It is truly a life changing experience!”

Suki grew up on a farm in Michigan. She attended Pasadena City College where she participated in two Rose Parades with the Tournament of Roses Band. Suki recently relocated from Green Valley, AZ, back to Henderson, NV. She is once again active at Community Lutheran Church in Las Vegas and enjoys traveling to California to visit with her son and four grandchildren.

Retreat Leader
Desta Goehner
Nola Mellstrom