Touchpoints on Spiritual Growth (Page 2)

Touchpoints on Spiritual Growth (Page 2)

Touchpoint: Sing a New Song; image of bird chirping at sunset

A New Song

“It appears to me that Jesus is constantly trying to save people from themselves… from our egos searching for identity and value in the wrong places. Doesn’t it seem like that to you? These guys come to him and say, “What is your opinion on Caesar’s empire built on unfair taxes?” Jesus says in effect, ‘Here’s what I think of your unfair tax. You rob people of their assets for a coin that is worth much less.'”
Touchpoint: Worthy of Belonging. Image of people cut out of paper, clasping hands

The Divine Slam Dunk

“What we think may not be the authority, but it reveals what we have surrendered to. If we believe that we belong once we ask the Spirit to indwell, then prior to this moment, we did not belong. There would be prerequisites. What if we always belonged in our intrinsic nature? Changing our thinking, metanoia (repentance), is simply surrendering to the declared truth that always was.”
Touchpoint: Seventy Times Seven; image of two people clasping hands

Perfect Love Casts Out Fear

“To forgive one’s self opens us to the possibility of forgiving another. But to forgive another is not to dispense mercy or justice, for only God has that authority. But it is God who is opening us up to grace and mercy, when we are completely unable. We are merely opening ourselves up to what God can do when we can’t.”
Touchpoint: Thank You. Image of Jim Hanson as young seminary graduate and preaching at Spirit in the Desert decades later.

Thank you

“In a world where denominational identity is waning. Where church attendance is falling. And where religious systems are being questioned… Spirit in the Desert is a place where people can come and explore their spiritual journey, quest, and path in ways that are unique to their own experience… Surrounded by a gracious and welcoming staff and community … Thank you Spirit in the Desert.”
Touchpoint: Led by the Spirit; image of Canaanite woman kneeling at Jesus' feet by Adolf Holzel

Marginalizing Jesus

“Is there a message here for us? That it’s more important to listen to people, especially those on the margins, than to listen to the economic systems, the political systems, and the religious systems in which we have been raised? It is more important to listen to those on the margins than the leaders of those systems or those who have been most successful in them.”
Touchpoint: Nothing can separate us from the love of God; image of two hands not quite touching, one is meant to be Jesus' hand

No Separation

“Look… let’s be real clear. The reason that nothing can separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus isn’t because of our commitment to God, or our desire to go and be wherever God is. Not in any way shape or form. And no reading of the Bible could give you that idea. No, the reason nothing can separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus is because of God’s commitment to us. And not even our hanging him on a cross can stop it.”
God Is Love Touchpoint; image of a person floating in the ocean, symbolizing 'letting go'

God Loves Me

“To let go is to gradually embrace love without caveat, without condition. It doesn’t mean tolerating. It doesn’t mean hanging out with someone with the agenda of changing them. It’s letting this love which holds the stars in the firmament and keeps the blood flowing in our body and our minds full of clarity and free.”
The Parable of the Sower Touchpoint; woodcut image of native person sowing seeds

A So-So Sower

“This parable is about a sower who sows his Word of grace and forgiveness over all the terrain of my life. The hard-hearted times. The shallow and self-centered times. The easily excitable and flaming out times. And yes, even the good times.”
Save Me from Myself Touchpoint, painting by David Muirhead of woman looking at herself in the mirror

Saved from Myself

“I don’t know about you, but I find these words incredibly freeing. Finally, here is some brutal honesty that speaks not to my superficial hopes and dreams, my Facebook and Instagram pages, but to the profound depths of my pain and sadness about myself.”
The Wages of Sin Is Death Touchpoint; image of open Bible highlighting scripture passage

The Sin of Wages is Death

“To live under the law is to live under the mentality of the reward and punishment, earning, and wage system. That’s what the law is based on. Getting what you deserve, what you have coming to you, what you’ve earned. You know, reward and punishment. But that way only leads to death. Any relationship that is based on scorekeeping is a relationship of death. Any relationship based on reward and punishment is a relationship of death. Any relationship based on only getting what you deserve will not flourish and live, but will die.”
"I have called you by name, you are mine" Touchpoint. Image of Christ with lamb on his shoulders

Named and Claimed

“But here is the good news: God has named us and claimed us. Not the other way around. In the waters of baptism, we are called by name and claimed by God. In the giving of the bread and wine in communion, we are named and claimed as the residing place of God’s presence.”
Faith Journey Touchpoint, watercolor image of Christ walking with Cleopas and friend to Emmaus

No Tums Needed

“The journey of faith is not about having all the right answers, for yourself or others. It’s not about prescribing to yourself or others a certain way to act, believe, or feel. Who needs that? Frankly, I find having all the answers rather boring.”