"Transformation" Tagged Touchpoints

"Transformation" Tagged Touchpoints

Touchpoint: The Other Side; image portrays a black woman on her knees reaching to touch the cloak of Jesus

The Other Side

Grace and peace to you from the Mystery in whom we live and move, and have our being. A woman healed. She had heard about Jesus and came up behind him in the crowd and touched his cloak, for she said, ‘If I but touch his cloak, I will be made well.’” Mark 5:21-43 A woman healed Whenever we go to the other side, we leave where we were. The Other Side can be a mystery. We are often led to…
Touchpoint: Jesus speaks about his death. Photo of tiny seedling sprouting.

Seeds of Glory

“Some of us of have had more doodoo in our lives than others. Please share the richness of your story with others. For our children, share your shade, your fruit, your new seeds to be planted. The many new seeds your story produces is what it takes for the main stalk to be glorified. To be multiplied.”
God Is Love Touchpoint; image of a person floating in the ocean, symbolizing 'letting go'

God Loves Me

“To let go is to gradually embrace love without caveat, without condition. It doesn’t mean tolerating. It doesn’t mean hanging out with someone with the agenda of changing them. It’s letting this love which holds the stars in the firmament and keeps the blood flowing in our body and our minds full of clarity and free.”
The Temptation of Christ Touchpoint, painting of Christ by Ilya Repin

It’s Tempting

“Now, I’m not against Jesus being a role model. I actually wish people had taken seriously those WWJD bracelets they wore. There would be a lot less hunger and homelessness in the world. I never did see one of them go and sell all they had and give it to the poor. Oh well!”
The Fire of Christ Touchpoint

The Refiner’s Fire

“Sometimes I wish Jesus would have just come to earth and said, “This is going to hurt me more than it’s going to hurt you.” I would have been good with that. But Jesus is not a Pollyanna. He’s a realist. He will undergo a death and resurrection. And so will we. There’s no way to do an end run around Good Friday to get to Easter. For him or us.”
God in the midst of chaos Touchpoint

Getting Rid of the Bubble Wrap

“This is a text to read when it feels like the world is crashing down around us, when our minds are too jaded and our spirits too discouraged to see how God may be present in our current darkness. This is the passage to read when we come face to face with the mess we as humans have made of our relationships and of this world, when we recognize how profoundly broken and how incapable of fixing ourselves we are. For it is in this place of helplessness and disorientation that hope emerges.”

Resurrection, not Insurrection

And this is where the restoration of our country will begin. In us. In us no longer staying quiet in the face of economic, racial, and judicial inequality. In us being brought into God’s kingdom rather than us trying to bring God into our kingdoms, and justify our kingdoms.