"New birth" Tagged Touchpoints

"New birth" Tagged Touchpoints

Touchpoint: For God So Loved the World; watercolor image by Cassie Padilla of three crosses on Calvary with God crying in the background

Water and Spirit

“They were both in their own way earnestly seeking. Why didn’t Jesus acknowledge their desire and baptize them? Why didn’t he put his hands on the kneeling ruler and bless him? If hell hung precariously in the balance of their decision to follow Jesus, why wouldn’t Jesus tell them? Perhaps it’s because Nicodemus and the rich young ruler represents today’s church, who just can’t let go of their way, to follow The Way.”
Touchpoint: Comfort and Joy. Image of a starry night with the words, "Comfort and Joy"

Who Are You?

“Rather than entering the season as cynical adults, perhaps we should enter as children. I think children know the difference between Santa Claus and God better than we do. We sometimes think we are both. Maybe we should begin as a child, wondering who this God is, as though for the first time, rather than wondering who is behind the beard.”
Wrestling with God Touchpoint

Limping Along

“You know, if I ever started another church, maybe I would name it the “World Wrestling Federation Lutheran Church.” And my benediction every Sunday would be, “Let’s get ready to Rumble!!!””

Mary Christmas

Grace and peace from the Mystery in whom we live and move and have our being. “Hail, favored one. The Lord is with you.”   And, “Your relative Elizabeth…has also conceived a son.” Luke 1: 26-38 Wow! What an incredible thing to hear. The Lord is with you. The Lord has found favor with you. Who wouldn’t want that?! But then, as Paul Harvey would say, there is the “Rest of the story.” “You Mary, are so favored by God, and…