"Holy Spirit" Tagged Touchpoints (Page 2)

"Holy Spirit" Tagged Touchpoints (Page 2)

Forgiveness Touchpoint Lamb of God

A World of Forgiveness

“God isn’t just content to take sin away, as we might understand it. Sin isn’t just removed. That which is broken is healed. That which is wayward is sought out and found. This is much more than a bookkeeping, scorekeeping adjustment. The Spirit is at work healing, restoring, uniting.”
Feed My Sheep Touchpoint

Where God Spends Eternity

“The gospel isn’t asking us where we want to spend eternity, the gospel is telling us where God is spending eternity. And God is spending it with us. In life and death, in fear and doubt, in joy and sorrow. From cradle to the grave, and beyond. And so, if I spend all my time preparing for the heavenly after-life, and miss the heavenly this-life, the heavenly now-life, I’ve missed out on a lot.”
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