'Spiritual food' Tagged Posts

'Spiritual food' Tagged Posts

Daily Devotions

I am the bread of life. Your ancestors ate the manna in the wilderness, and they died.” vss. 48-49 John 6:45-51 In the first century there had been a struggle between those Jews who had embraced Jesus as messiah and those who clung to the old traditions. Ultimately that conflict led to a split and the separation of church and synagogue. As John writes his gospel he wants his readers to know that in Jesus they will find the pathway…

2020_Spiritual Practices for Times of Crisis

Spiritual Practices for Times of Crisis Grief, pain, isolation, fear, worry, and loss can upend our normal spiritual rhythms of life and our faith life as a whole. As Christians, what do we do? Do we grit our teeth, fake it ‘til we make it, and carry on regardless? Aren’t we supposed to be “thankful in all circumstances” and happy all the time? Should we just turn away from God until we feel better? These are all valid questions and…

The Spiritual Practice of Fasting-Part 2

Fasting is just about giving up chocolate or alcohol for Lent, isn’t it?” Actually, there are other ways of fasting, and, in the Christian tradition, other times of the Church year apart from Lent, when we are encouraged to fast. We discussed in “Fasting – Part 1,” that fasting from meals can help us make room for God, help us focus on our spiritual needs rather than our physical needs, and help us prepare for Church seasons such as Easter…

Daily Devotions: August 1, 2018

August 1, 2018 Psalm 78:23-29“And they ate and were well filled, for he gave them what they craved.” vs. 29 There were regular prayers of thanksgiving among the Israelites for the gracious provision of the Lord during their time in the wilderness. Those psalms and songs insured that they would never forget that they had been kept from starvation by the hand of God. And because that was true God would surely continue to keep them safe and provide for…

Daily Devotions: July 31 , 2018

July 31, 2018 Exodus 16:9-15…“When the Israelites saw it, they said to one another, ‘What is it?’ For they did not know what it was. Moses said to them, ‘It is the bread that the Lord has given you to eat.’” vs. 15 When the Israelites saw the flaky substance on the ground, they said, “Man hu,” which in Hebrew means, “What is it?” Their question sounds like “manna,” the word used to describe the life-sustaining bread provided by God…