'faith practice' Tagged Posts

'faith practice' Tagged Posts

Daily Devotions

One generation shall laud your works to another, and shall declare your mighty acts.” vs. 4 Psalm 145:1-8 As we get older we often think of our legacy, those things which we will pass on to the next generation. For some that will involve material possessions, a generous inheritance or some precious artifacts that we have managed to collect. Those are obviously good things, particularly if they can be turned into cash and used to increase our children’s investment portfolios.…

Daily Devotions

‘Why do we fast, but you do not see? Why humble ourselves, but you do not notice?’ Look, you serve your own interest on your fast day, and oppress all your workers.” vs. 3 Isaiah 58:1-5 The prophet lived among people who had carefully preserved all the trappings of religiosity. They worshiped regularly and kept all of the prescribed fasts. Their external piety was beyond approach–yet God remained remote to them. So the prophet tells them in no uncertain terms…

Spiritual Practice: Praying the Labyrinth

Sue Palmer, spiritual practices specialist, traces the history of the labyrinth, and demonstrates several ways a labyrinth can be used to facilitate prayer and meditation as a spiritual practice today.

Examen: A Faith Practice for Lent and For Life, Week 4

This recording is Week 4 of a 6-part Lenten exploration via examen, the faith practice of looking inward, trusting that God wants the eyes of the heart to be illumined. Sheri Brown facilitates the series ~ through prayer, meditation, examen, reflection, scripture, poetry, fasting and almsgiving, participants learn to be a contemplative in action, connecting their spiritual lives with their active day-to-day lives. Examen is the practice of prayerful reflection on how and where God is speaking to us from…

Daily Devotions

Matthew 14:22-27 … “And after he had dismissed the crowds, he went up the mountain by himself to pray. When evening came, he was there alone…” vs. 23  Those who are more introverted in their relationship to the external world are likely to identify with Jesus as they read in scripture of his desire to be alone. The world was changing. John the Baptist had been brutally murdered. Decisions about continuing his ministry needed to be made. Some people love…