'Burdens' Tagged Posts

'Burdens' Tagged Posts

Daily Devotions

If you, O Lord, should mark iniquities, Lord, who could stand? But there is forgiveness with you, so that you may be revered.” vss. 3-4 Psalm 130 If, by the grace of God, we have reached a point in life where we have given up on the folly of blaming others and are able to humbly confess our own sinfulness we are still left with the burden of our iniquities. We can even find ourselves so close to the bottom…

Daily Devotions

Then I acknowledged my sin to you, and I did not hide my iniquity; I said, ‘I will confess my transgressions to the Lord,’ and you forgave the guilt of my sin.” vs. 5 Psalm 32:1-5 For some reason many people seem to love carrying the burdens of the past as they try to make their way through a life that can at times be horribly difficult. Maybe they’ve been told that “big boys don’t cry” or have the impression…

Daily Devotions

So Moses said to the Lord, ‘Why have you treated your servant so badly? Why have I not found favor in your sight, that you lay the burden of all this people on me?’ vs. 11 Numbers 11:4-6,10-16 The people complained to Moses about conditions in their camp, and Moses complained to the Lord about the people. This incessant reciprocal whining was understandable and necessary. Humans have to be able to vent when the pressures pile up. It was true…

Daily Devotions: November 15, 2018

November 15, 2018 To read full passage, click: Hebrews 10:11-14 …“For by a single offering he has perfected for all time those who are sanctified.” vs. 14 Being a perfectionist can be a burden as we live in the rough and tumble of our complicated society. Those afflicted face a never-ending battle in nearly all their encounters and activities. Very seldom do they ever produce any work or do anything that matches their desires. No matter how hard they try,…