Spirited Book Club

Spirited Book Club

The Spirited Book Club features one book per month that meets online on Thursday, once or twice a month at 12:00 p.m. Arizona time. Book lovers and friends gather in a virtual room to discuss that month’s selection. Most sessions are led by writer and longtime friend of Spirit, Sheri Brown.

Follow the link to read a synopsis and reviews of the book, and to register for the discussion. Participants register anew for each title.

July 2024

The Kingdom, the Power and the Glory: American Evangelicals in an Age of Extremism by Tim Alberta. Spirited Book Club meets July 11, facilitated by Sheri Brown and Pastor Steve Holm.

June 2024

The Seventh Story: Us, Them & the End of Violence by Brian D. McLaren & Gareth Higgins. Spirited Book Club meets June 13, facilitated by Sheri Brown.

May 2024

Have a Beautiful, Terrible Day! Daily Meditations for the Ups, Downs & In-Betweens by Kate Bowler. Spirited Book Club meets May 16, facilitated by Sheri Brown.

October – December 2023

Spirited Examen: Prayerful Reverence, Reverent Action replaces Spirited Book Club this Fall. Each session is 30 minutes of guided meditation, readings and prayer. Meets every other Thursday, October 5 – December 21, facilitated by Sheri Brown.

September 2023

Boundless Compassion: Creating a Way of Life by Joyce Rupp. Spirited Book Club meets September 7 & 21, facilitated by Dcn. Tammy Devine and Sheri Brown.

August 2023

The Planet You Inherit: Letters to My Grandchildren When Uncertainty’s a Sure Thing – author Larry L. Rasmussen joins the Spirited Book Club August 10 & 24, facilitated by Sheri Brown.

July 2023

Spirited Book Club, The Seventh Sunrise by Larry Gordon, image of author and book jacket

The Seventh Sunrise: A Time to Hear God’s Whisper – author Larry Gordon joins the Spirited Book Club July 6 & 20, facilitated by Sheri Brown.

June 2023

The Lives We Actually Have: 100 Blessings for Imperfect Days by Kate Bowler and Jessica Richie. Spirited Book Club meets June 15, facilitated by Sheri Brown.

May 2023

The Jesus Perspective

The Jesus Perspective: A Faith that May Surprise You – author Robert Harris joins the Spirited Book Club May 11 and 25, facilitated by Sheri Brown.

April 2023

Neighbor Love through Fearful Days: Finding Purpose and Meaning in a Time of Crisis – author Jason A. Mahn joins Spirited Book Club April 13, facilitated by Sheri Brown.

March 2023

Rooted & Rising: Voices of Courage in a Time of Climate Crisis, Leah D. Schade & Margaret Bullitt-Jonas, eds. Spirited Book Club meets March 2 and 16, facilitated by Sheri Brown.

January & February 2023

Language for God: A Lutheran Perspective – author Mary J. Streufert joins Spirited Book Club January 5 and February 2, facilitated by Sheri Brown.

December 2022

Joan Chittister

The Gift of Years: Growing Older Gracefully by Joan Chittister. Spirited Book Club meets December 8, facilitated by Sheri Brown.

November 2022

Almost Everything: Notes on Hope by Anne Lamott. Spirited Book Club meets November 3 & 17, facilitated by Sheri Brown.


Elle Dowd

Baptized in Tear Gas: From White Moderate to Abolitionist – author Elle Dowd joins Spirited Book Club October 13, facilitated by Elle Dowd & Sheri Brown.

August 2022

This Here Flesh: Spirituality, Liberation, and the Stories That Make Us by Cole Arthur Riley. Spirited Book Club meets August 11 & 25, facilitated by Sheri Brown.

July 2022

Sealed: An Unexpected Journey into the Heart of Grace – author Katie Langston joins Spirited Book Club July 14 & 28, facilitated by Katie Langston & Sheri Brown.

June 2022

The Great Spiritual Migration by Brian D. McLaren. Spirited Book Club meets June 16 & 30, facilitated by Sheri Brown.

May 2022

How Can I Help? Stories and Reflections on Service by Ram Dass & Paul Gorman. Spirited Book Club meets May 26, facilitated by Sheri Brown.

April 2022

Wholehearted Faith by Rachel Held Evans with Jeff Chu. Spirited Book Club meets April 7 & 21, facilitated by Sheri Brown.

March 2022

Bewilderment: A Novel by Richard Powers. Spirited Book Club meets March 10 & 24, facilitated by Sheri Brown.

February 2022

Amending the Christian Story: The Natural Sciences as a Window into Grounded Faith and Sustainable Living – Author Ron Rude joins the Book Club February 3 & 17, facilitated by Sheri Brown.

January 2022

Spirited Book Club 12 Tiny Things

12 Tiny Things: Simple Ways to Live an Intentional Life – Author Ellie Roscher joins the Book club January 6 & 20, facilitated by Sheri Brown.

December 2021

Spirited Book Club Art and Faith

Art + Faith: A Theology of Making – December 2 & 16, facilitated by Sheri Brown.

November 2021

Unlearning God by Philip Gulley; one meeting only this month on November 18. Meeting facilitated by Sheri Brown.

October 2021

The Forgotten Luther III, Conrad A. Braaten and Ryan P. Cumming, eds., join the Spirited Book Club on October 7 & 21. Meetings facilitated by Sheri Brown.

September 2021

A Soul from Minnesota by Allen Nohre – September 9 & 23, facilitated by the author, Allen Nohre.

August 2021

A Conspiracy of Love by Kurt Struckmeyer – August 5 & 19, facilitated by Joel Bjerkestrand.

July 2021

Breathing Under Water by Richard Rohr – July 8 & 22, facilitated by Henry Rojas

June 2021

A Rhythm of Prayer edited by Sarah Bessey – June 3 & 17

May 2021

Meeting Jesus Again for the First Time by Marcus J. Borg – May 6 & 20

April 2021

What Christianity Is Not by Douglas John Hall – April 8 & 22

March 2021

Living Buddha, Living Christ by Thich Nhat Hanh – March 11 & 25

February 2021

The Return of the Prodigal Son by Henri J. M. Nouwen – February 11 & 25

January 2021

Everything Is Spiritual by Rob Bell – January 14 & 28

December 2020

Accidental Saints by Nadia Bolz-Weber – December 3 & 17

November 2020

Radical Amazement by Judy Cannato – October 29 & November 12

October 2020

The Universal Christ by Richard Rohr – October 1 & 15