Daily Devotions

Daily Devotions

But they did not understand what he was saying and were afraid to ask him.” vs. 32

Mark 9:30-32

Mark indicates that after the disciples had acknowledged that Jesus was the messiah, it became more difficult for them to understand his teachings. Evidently he was teaching them that the path of discipleship led through suffering and death, and did not provide them a direct route to triumph and glory. We can understand their difficulty. Even though we know the gospel story well it still remains difficult for us to deal with the suffering that is inextricably linked to the new life in Christ. In fact, most people will do most anything to avoid suffering of any kind. As a result, we not only have a drug crisis in our culture, but most folks are perplexed by the “dark night of the soul” that is so common to those who strive to walk in the way of Jesus. People like Mother Theresa know this well, and have discovered that the best way to deal with suffering and darkness is to embrace those moments of pain, and relish the opportunity it gives to have unity with Jesus. But it’s hard to understand those kinds of things, and the mysterious blessings of suffering will likely remain hidden for most. It’s good to know we’re not alone in our wondering, and that even Jesus’ disciples had difficulty figuring out the mystery of sacrificial suffering. And even if we don’t get it, there’ll still be plenty of blessings for the faithful.

Thought for the Day: What does it mean to embrace suffering in our lives?


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