Daily Devotions: June 18, 2017

Daily Devotions: June 18, 2017

Matthew 10:1-8

“Then Jesus summoned his twelve disciples and gave them authority over unclean spirits, to cast them out, and to cure every disease and every sickness.” vs. 1

It didn’t take long for Jesus to figure out that he was going to need some help. The response to his ministry of healing was overwhelming and large crowds gathered in every village. His solution was obvious: he gave the twelve disciples authority to cast out demons and cure diseases…though he did not authorize them to teach. And really that makes some sense. We too, have been summoned and sent by Jesus to be his instruments of healing. Like the disciples, we can proclaim good news and act with compassion in every encounter, but we’re really not called to add to his teachings! We don’t have to create new wisdom or manufacture additional directions for folks. That’s why it’s so important for us to totally immerse our thinking in the thought of Jesus. There are so many claiming to represent Jesus. They call themselves Christians and say that they are believers. But the things they say are totally contrary to the things that Jesus had to say. Instead of being meek they are arrogant. Instead of showing mercy they seek vengeance. Rather than being peacemakers they push for war. And the list goes on and on. It’s as though they’ve never read the Sermon on the Mount! True followers of Jesus devour his teachings and make them their own; and then go on to live compassionately among the poor and the needy.

Thought for the Day: Why didn’t Jesus direct his disciples to teach?


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