Daily Devotions: September 21, 2017

Daily Devotions: September 21, 2017

Philippians 1:21-26

“For to me, living is Christ and dying is gain.” vs. 21

Whatever we might think of Paul’s theological writings, there is no doubt that his personal faith testimony in passages like this one from his letter to the Philippians, continue to bring comfort and hope to millions. Here, in just a few words, he introduces a “can’t lose” attitude that perfectly reflects the serenity of life in Christ. As followers of Jesus we know that the future is secure…no matter what happens we are going to be okay. This is especially good news when we come to those crisis points in life, times when our health is diminished or our bodies seem particularly fragile. Anxiety is the norm in those moments…we can’t help it…and we wonder if life will ever be the same. We know that organs and joints wear out, that ultimately “something” is going to get us…that however long we delay the aging process, one day there will be an end. The uncertainty can drive us wild…unless we adopt the mindset of Paul. As he puts it, if we continue to live, good for us…we’ll have more time to serve and love. If we don’t, well, that’s just fine…because the new life beyond death is where we will find perfect peace. As one person struggling with the uncertainty of cancer put it, “Don’t worry about me! Either way I win!” And that really is the truth!

Thought for the Day: How do I feel about my mortality?


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