Daily Devotions: March 21, 2017

Daily Devotions: March 21, 2017

Psalm 23

“Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life, and I shall dwell in the house of the Lord my whole life long.” vs. 6

We’re generally aware of the sentiments of this well-known psalm. Some of us know it by heart and we hear it read at nearly every funeral we attend. It’s an embracing scripture, one that holds us closely in moments of pain and suffering. When death comes near its words bring sweet comfort as we hear the promise that God will always be present, no matter what the circumstance. This last verse wraps it all together with the assertion that that goodness and mercy will be companions all the days of our lives and that the place we live is nothing less than the house of the Lord! There are some who might argue with that notion, particularly those who have been victims of injustice and for whom life has been one misery after another. And they have a good argument…but it wasn’t one this psalmist was much interested in hearing. For him, even in the most frightful circumstances, even in the darkest valley, there was goodness and mercy, and he expected that this would always be true. Occasionally we encounter people who have taken this passage to heart, and their optimistic, hopeful attitude is unmistakable. In their effervescent presence we feel goodness overflow, and their mercies lift us up. Through them the good shepherd claims us as his own, takes us in his arms, and welcomes us home.

Thought for the Day: Where will I experience goodness and mercy today?


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