Daily Devotions: July 25, 2017

Daily Devotions: July 25, 2017

Psalm 119:120-133

“The unfolding of your words gives light; it imparts understanding to the simple.” vs. 130

Psalm 119 is the longest chapter in the entire bible and is devoted to the exaltation of the law. The psalmist obviously loves the decrees of the Lord and has crafted every verse with great care and attention to detail. Some followers of Jesus aren’t quite sure what to do with this kind of devotion. We’ve been told that the law kills and that Jesus was crucified for challenging its strict observance. We might have some lingering respect for the Ten Commandments but to say that we love the law would be a stretch. The psalmist would be appalled! For him the law was the foundation of life and those who neglected it would be like fools wandering in the darkness. He found enlightenment in its words and believed that it was essential for wise living. If we reflect only for a moment we can easily see the truth of his claims. Law provides boundaries for healthy relationships and a framework for a just society. Without the rule of law corruption would triumph and reasonable economic interactions would become impossible. No parent could even dream of raising a well-balanced child without the discipline that comes through obedience and respect for authority. No wonder the psalmist went on for 176 verses in praise of the law. In his estimation it was God’s greatest gift to humanity…and we are hard-pressed to disagree. It is indeed a blessing!

Thought for the Day: If the law is so beautiful, why don’t we obey it?


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