Daily Devotions: July 19, 2017

Daily Devotions: July 19, 2017

Psalm 86:14-17

 “But you, O Lord, are a God merciful and gracious, slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love and faithfulness.” vs. 15

 Again and again scripture reminds us that God is merciful and gracious…abounding in steadfast love and faithfulness. It’s a constant theme, and one that we regularly need to hear. But often we crave even more assurance. It’s just not enough to hear that God loves us! Sometimes those words “God loves you” can sound like a pious platitude, a feeble attempt by friends to lift us from a dark mood. We smile a bit and say, “I know,” and then go on feeling sad and alone. What we really need from our friends is an authentic “I love you, and I think you are wonderful.” These are the words that can lift us and bring light to our inner darkness. It’s in this fashion that the ineffable love of God becomes incarnate for us and can actually be felt in our lives. Without the human connection the sublime descriptions of God’s goodness remain only words and fail to penetrate our hearts. When we’re feeling alone and isolated there’s nothing better than a hug or a touch from a dear friend. In that moment we are assured that we are not alone…and that God’s love is real. Without those intimate assurances this world remains a pretty lonely place, something the psalmist likely knew quite well!

Thought for the Day: What lifts me in my loneliness?


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